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Feb 8, 2013

Calcium Dangers and Really Stupid Science

Keith Scott-Mumby

My regular friends (readers) will know I often denounce calcium in no uncertain terms. While other doctors dole it out as necessary or “advisable”, I have been in print many times to say calcium is the last thing you want much of in your body. Stupid (I mean REALLY stupid) science supposedly showing that osteoporosis is caused by lack of calcium and all you have to do is pump calcium into the blood and the bones will magically fill up again and go hard is as crazy as it sounds! Osteoporosis, as a matter of fact, is caused by a number of things, none of which are lack of calcium! Magnesium deficiency is a much more significant contributor. But really, osteoporosis is a whole-body nutritional disease, with no one single factor to blame. If it could be boiled down to just one substance, then I think I would pick on boron. Women taking 3 mgs a day of boron need never fear osteoporosis (unless it is already present). But calcium deficiency? Definitely NOT. Yet doctors go on pumping this stuff into trusting patients, in blyth disregard of the fact that in almost all other situations, calcium is dangerous! Seriously!

Feb 8, 2013

Calcium Dangers and Really Stupid Science

Keith Scott-Mumby

My regular friends (readers) will know I often denounce calcium in no uncertain terms. While other doctors dole it out as necessary or “advisable”, I have been in print many times to say calcium is the last thing you want much of in your body. Stupid (I mean REALLY stupid) science supposedly showing that osteoporosis is caused by lack of calcium and all you have to do is pump calcium into the blood and the bones will magically fill up again and go hard is as crazy as it sounds! Osteoporosis, as a matter of fact, is caused by a number of things, none of which are lack of calcium! Magnesium deficiency is a much more significant contributor. But really, osteoporosis is a whole-body nutritional disease, with no one single factor to blame. If it could be boiled down to just one substance, then I think I would pick on boron. Women taking 3 mgs a day of boron need never fear osteoporosis (unless it is already present). But calcium deficiency? Definitely NOT. Yet doctors go on pumping this stuff into trusting patients, in blyth disregard of the fact that in almost all other situations, calcium is dangerous! Seriously!

May 11, 2012

Milk Causes Osteoporosis

Keith Scott-Mumby

Those who are new to this list may not follow my joke: I Told ‘Em! is one of those stories where I was saying it over 30 years ago and is has just recently been “discovered”! Often I was scolded or derided at the time–and then science came around to prove that what I was saying is true–and was true, all along. This time we are back to how bad milk is for us humans: yes, even raw milk, which many folks can’t get their head round. They just LOVE the raw milk propaganda and cannot be swayed by mere facts. In this instance, I have pointed out in just about every book I wrote since 1985 that milk causes osteoporosis. It’s simple, if you ask the right questions: US women have the highest intake of dairy produce in the world; they also have the highest rate of hip fractures (more women die of fracture of the neck of femur than die of breast cancer!) Chinese women do not drink milk and the disease osteoporosis is virtually unknown. The sad truth is that milk actually causes malabsorption. It LOWERS calcium levels and leads to osteoporosis.

May 11, 2012

Milk Causes Osteoporosis

Keith Scott-Mumby

Those who are new to this list may not follow my joke: I Told ‘Em! is one of those stories where I was saying it over 30 years ago and is has just recently been “discovered”! Often I was scolded or derided at the time–and then science came around to prove that what I was saying is true–and was true, all along. This time we are back to how bad milk is for us humans: yes, even raw milk, which many folks can’t get their head round. They just LOVE the raw milk propaganda and cannot be swayed by mere facts. In this instance, I have pointed out in just about every book I wrote since 1985 that milk causes osteoporosis. It’s simple, if you ask the right questions: US women have the highest intake of dairy produce in the world; they also have the highest rate of hip fractures (more women die of fracture of the neck of femur than die of breast cancer!) Chinese women do not drink milk and the disease osteoporosis is virtually unknown. The sad truth is that milk actually causes malabsorption. It LOWERS calcium levels and leads to osteoporosis.

Feb 27, 2012

Sobering Facts Debunk The Raw Milk Myth

Keith Scott-Mumby

Regular readers will know that I do not condone the raw milk hysteria. To read the holistic press, you’d think it was the best food ever invented. In fact I’m on record with the BBC (1986) as saying that if there was one food on Earth I would ban it would be milk. I would make hundreds of millions of people well within a week. I’d be famous! Seriously, though, milk is DEADLY. I don’t care what Joe Mercola says. And please don’t write and tell me YOU can drink raw milk and you are fine. That’s like saying you live in a pit of snakes and you haven’t been bitten so far! New and sobering statistics show that raw, or unpasteurized, milk causes 150 times more dairy product-related disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk. And states where the sale of raw milk is legal have twice as many outbreaks as states where it is illegal, according to a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study (CDC). The 13-year review looked at more than 120 dairy product-related outbreaks that occurred between 1993 and 2006. The outbreaks caused more than 4,400 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations and three deaths. Raw milk products — including cheese and yogurt — caused 73 of the outbreaks (60 percent) and most of the 239 hospitalizations. Unless milk is pasteurized — heated to kill harmful bacteria — bacteria can accumulate in collected milk, multiply and cause illness, the researchers said. The study found that 13 percent of patients in what they called the “raw milk outbreaks” were hospitalized, compared with 1 percent of those made ill by pasteurized milk products. That’s 1300% more dangerous, if you want to play at silly statistics.

Feb 27, 2012

Sobering Facts Debunk The Raw Milk Myth

Keith Scott-Mumby

Regular readers will know that I do not condone the raw milk hysteria. To read the holistic press, you’d think it was the best food ever invented. In fact I’m on record with the BBC (1986) as saying that if there was one food on Earth I would ban it would be milk. I would make hundreds of millions of people well within a week. I’d be famous! Seriously, though, milk is DEADLY. I don’t care what Joe Mercola says. And please don’t write and tell me YOU can drink raw milk and you are fine. That’s like saying you live in a pit of snakes and you haven’t been bitten so far! New and sobering statistics show that raw, or unpasteurized, milk causes 150 times more dairy product-related disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk. And states where the sale of raw milk is legal have twice as many outbreaks as states where it is illegal, according to a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study (CDC). The 13-year review looked at more than 120 dairy product-related outbreaks that occurred between 1993 and 2006. The outbreaks caused more than 4,400 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations and three deaths. Raw milk products — including cheese and yogurt — caused 73 of the outbreaks (60 percent) and most of the 239 hospitalizations. Unless milk is pasteurized — heated to kill harmful bacteria — bacteria can accumulate in collected milk, multiply and cause illness, the researchers said. The study found that 13 percent of patients in what they called the “raw milk outbreaks” were hospitalized, compared with 1 percent of those made ill by pasteurized milk products. That’s 1300% more dangerous, if you want to play at silly statistics.

Apr 28, 2011

This bone disease kills more women than breast cancer

Keith Scott-Mumby

You may be surprised but in the USA more women die from facture of the neck of femur than die of cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus COMBINED (it is a similar story in other developed countries). A fracture of the femur is dangerous for an elderly man or woman, because it leads to immobility. That in turn increases the risk of pneumonia, which is the usual cause of death in these sad cases. The femur fractures easily in older people because of bone thinning or osteoporosis, which in turn is caused by gross ignorance of nutritional essentials. I have said often that osteoporosis is a whole body disease; it is NOT a lack of calcium. We’re awash with calcium! (calcium is hardening of the arteries, brain plaques, crusty joint and other aging deposits: who needs calcium?) The trouble with aging is that, as we grow older, the calcium ends up in the wrong place. That’s caused by having the faulty nutritional dynamics. Bone is a living tissue, it is built up and broken down constantly. Doctors and drug companies who try to portray bone as a static vessel, filled with a certain amount of calcium—like a full, half-full or quarter-full cup—are  just plain idiots. Your entire skeleton replaces and remodels itself every few months; and I mean every molecule! If you help your bones, by doing it right and feeding them well, they will support you into your ninth, tenth, even twelfth decade.

Apr 28, 2011

This bone disease kills more women than breast cancer

Keith Scott-Mumby

You may be surprised but in the USA more women die from facture of the neck of femur than die of cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus COMBINED (it is a similar story in other developed countries). A fracture of the femur is dangerous for an elderly man or woman, because it leads to immobility. That in turn increases the risk of pneumonia, which is the usual cause of death in these sad cases. The femur fractures easily in older people because of bone thinning or osteoporosis, which in turn is caused by gross ignorance of nutritional essentials. I have said often that osteoporosis is a whole body disease; it is NOT a lack of calcium. We’re awash with calcium! (calcium is hardening of the arteries, brain plaques, crusty joint and other aging deposits: who needs calcium?) The trouble with aging is that, as we grow older, the calcium ends up in the wrong place. That’s caused by having the faulty nutritional dynamics. Bone is a living tissue, it is built up and broken down constantly. Doctors and drug companies who try to portray bone as a static vessel, filled with a certain amount of calcium—like a full, half-full or quarter-full cup—are  just plain idiots. Your entire skeleton replaces and remodels itself every few months; and I mean every molecule! If you help your bones, by doing it right and feeding them well, they will support you into your ninth, tenth, even twelfth decade.
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