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Feb 8, 2013

Calcium Dangers and Really Stupid Science

Keith Scott-Mumby

My regular friends (readers) will know I often denounce calcium in no uncertain terms. While other doctors dole it out as necessary or “advisable”, I have been in print many times to say calcium is the last thing you want much of in your body. Stupid (I mean REALLY stupid) science supposedly showing that osteoporosis is caused by lack of calcium and all you have to do is pump calcium into the blood and the bones will magically fill up again and go hard is as crazy as it sounds! Osteoporosis, as a matter of fact, is caused by a number of things, none of which are lack of calcium! Magnesium deficiency is a much more significant contributor. But really, osteoporosis is a whole-body nutritional disease, with no one single factor to blame. If it could be boiled down to just one substance, then I think I would pick on boron. Women taking 3 mgs a day of boron need never fear osteoporosis (unless it is already present). But calcium deficiency? Definitely NOT. Yet doctors go on pumping this stuff into trusting patients, in blyth disregard of the fact that in almost all other situations, calcium is dangerous! Seriously!

Feb 8, 2013

Calcium Dangers and Really Stupid Science

Keith Scott-Mumby

My regular friends (readers) will know I often denounce calcium in no uncertain terms. While other doctors dole it out as necessary or “advisable”, I have been in print many times to say calcium is the last thing you want much of in your body. Stupid (I mean REALLY stupid) science supposedly showing that osteoporosis is caused by lack of calcium and all you have to do is pump calcium into the blood and the bones will magically fill up again and go hard is as crazy as it sounds! Osteoporosis, as a matter of fact, is caused by a number of things, none of which are lack of calcium! Magnesium deficiency is a much more significant contributor. But really, osteoporosis is a whole-body nutritional disease, with no one single factor to blame. If it could be boiled down to just one substance, then I think I would pick on boron. Women taking 3 mgs a day of boron need never fear osteoporosis (unless it is already present). But calcium deficiency? Definitely NOT. Yet doctors go on pumping this stuff into trusting patients, in blyth disregard of the fact that in almost all other situations, calcium is dangerous! Seriously!
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