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evidence based science

Sep 30, 2013

Is Big Pharma Controlling Your Government?

Keith Scott-Mumby

The Myth of Evidence Based Science   I’m giving a talk next week to the European Parliament MPs (like Congressmen and Women). I’ve been invited to lay into the Big Pharma society model and explain how it is enslaving whole countries economically—like in the USA, the healthcare bill is 14% of the gross national product (GNP); in Britain it’s 7% and so on. Pharmaceutical companies have a clear agenda (I almost wrote “hidden” agenda, but it’s so blatantly obvious!) for trapping and controlling governments into having to allocate huge sums for the medical care of its citizens which goes into their coffers. It is based on two very vicious traps:

Sep 30, 2013

Is Big Pharma Controlling Your Government?

Keith Scott-Mumby

The Myth of Evidence Based Science   I’m giving a talk next week to the European Parliament MPs (like Congressmen and Women). I’ve been invited to lay into the Big Pharma society model and explain how it is enslaving whole countries economically—like in the USA, the healthcare bill is 14% of the gross national product (GNP); in Britain it’s 7% and so on. Pharmaceutical companies have a clear agenda (I almost wrote “hidden” agenda, but it’s so blatantly obvious!) for trapping and controlling governments into having to allocate huge sums for the medical care of its citizens which goes into their coffers. It is based on two very vicious traps:
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