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Jun 1, 2012

Sunscreen Lies And More Lies

Keith Scott-Mumby

Summer is a’coming in, so goes the old British medieval folk song. And with summer starts the lies of the personal skin care product industry. The fundamental lie is that we need sunscreen at all. Just stay out of the sun until you can tolerate it. Otherwise, we need sun. Contrary to everything you have heard, sunshine protects against melanoma. Yes, people get skin cancers in the sun—but only people with pasty pale skin, who hide indoors all year and then go crazy on their vacation. Intense and unaccustomed radiation is what might cause skin cancers. The darkened skin of a tan is your best protection from penetrating rays, not because the tan helps but because being in the sun certainly DOES. I repeat: suns rays protect against cancer. It’s science that goes back decades and is totally ignored by the medical profession and the skin care industry. They are both screwed up, believing in hearsay and fairy stories.

Jun 1, 2012

Sunscreen Lies And More Lies

Keith Scott-Mumby

Summer is a’coming in, so goes the old British medieval folk song. And with summer starts the lies of the personal skin care product industry. The fundamental lie is that we need sunscreen at all. Just stay out of the sun until you can tolerate it. Otherwise, we need sun. Contrary to everything you have heard, sunshine protects against melanoma. Yes, people get skin cancers in the sun—but only people with pasty pale skin, who hide indoors all year and then go crazy on their vacation. Intense and unaccustomed radiation is what might cause skin cancers. The darkened skin of a tan is your best protection from penetrating rays, not because the tan helps but because being in the sun certainly DOES. I repeat: suns rays protect against cancer. It’s science that goes back decades and is totally ignored by the medical profession and the skin care industry. They are both screwed up, believing in hearsay and fairy stories.

May 19, 2012

Do Java, Live Longer!

Keith Scott-Mumby

Yet again, the counter-intuitive idea that coffee is good for you is given a boost! It’s known that coffee drinkers are less likely to get dementia, stroke, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Several studies have shown that. Now a new and pretty large study has shown that coffee drinkers are 10- 15% less likely to die from all causes. That’s big! However—a warning. These were adjusted figures, meaning other factors were written out. In truth coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke and therefore, truly, coffee drinkers didn’t do so well when all factors were taken into account. But it’s because of the smoking, not the coffee. In any case, nobody has proved that coffee is beneficial. Only that coffee drinkers are different in some way. It may not be the coffee but something else they do, like work out more in the gym. It reminds me of a food allergy patient of mine back in the 1980s. He got migraines every time he drank whisky. Case closed? No! It was the peanuts he ate along with the whisky!!

May 19, 2012

Do Java, Live Longer!

Keith Scott-Mumby

Yet again, the counter-intuitive idea that coffee is good for you is given a boost! It’s known that coffee drinkers are less likely to get dementia, stroke, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Several studies have shown that. Now a new and pretty large study has shown that coffee drinkers are 10- 15% less likely to die from all causes. That’s big! However—a warning. These were adjusted figures, meaning other factors were written out. In truth coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke and therefore, truly, coffee drinkers didn’t do so well when all factors were taken into account. But it’s because of the smoking, not the coffee. In any case, nobody has proved that coffee is beneficial. Only that coffee drinkers are different in some way. It may not be the coffee but something else they do, like work out more in the gym. It reminds me of a food allergy patient of mine back in the 1980s. He got migraines every time he drank whisky. Case closed? No! It was the peanuts he ate along with the whisky!!

Apr 30, 2012

Cocaine Use Ages You Faster

Keith Scott-Mumby

I’ve never taken any kind of recreational drugs. I was too scared! I regret missing out on the fun but not missing out on the hazards. I’ve had a few friends I knew took cocaine from time to time. I have noticed that cocaine users will sometimes go down suddenly with a cerebral hemorrhage. A friend in […]

Apr 30, 2012

Cocaine Use Ages You Faster

Keith Scott-Mumby

I’ve never taken any kind of recreational drugs. I was too scared! I regret missing out on the fun but not missing out on the hazards. I’ve had a few friends I knew took cocaine from time to time. I have noticed that cocaine users will sometimes go down suddenly with a cerebral hemorrhage. A friend in […] The post Cocaine Use Ages You Faster appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Mar 9, 2012

End Of The Raw Milk Story

Keith Scott-Mumby

Once in a while, one of my pieces creates a storm. I had no idea that so many of my readers still enjoyed fairy stories! I’m referring to the idea that raw milk is a healthy, natural and safe food. As I said: it is not. Raw milk kills. I produced a strong scientific study to make a point. People are so wedded to their beliefs, they don’t want mere facts. This study was denounced as a fraud. I was accused of “misinterpreting” it—by a good colleague, incidentally. But my statements are based also on clinical experience, not just science papers. I went through med school in an era when people DIED of raw milk infections or were crippled for life: TB, brucellosis, Campylobacter (can lead to Guillaine-Barre)… Apparently, now raw milk is on the Internet, TB and brucellosis have vanished into history! It’s all been magicked away! (I don’t think so) The number of people who wrote to tell me they drink raw milk and they are just fine, is quite funny. It’s like saying I live in a box with hundreds of deadly cobras and I haven’t been bitten… yet!

Mar 9, 2012

End Of The Raw Milk Story

Keith Scott-Mumby

Once in a while, one of my pieces creates a storm. I had no idea that so many of my readers still enjoyed fairy stories! I’m referring to the idea that raw milk is a healthy, natural and safe food. As I said: it is not. Raw milk kills. I produced a strong scientific study to make a point. People are so wedded to their beliefs, they don’t want mere facts. This study was denounced as a fraud. I was accused of “misinterpreting” it—by a good colleague, incidentally. But my statements are based also on clinical experience, not just science papers. I went through med school in an era when people DIED of raw milk infections or were crippled for life: TB, brucellosis, Campylobacter (can lead to Guillaine-Barre)… Apparently, now raw milk is on the Internet, TB and brucellosis have vanished into history! It’s all been magicked away! (I don’t think so) The number of people who wrote to tell me they drink raw milk and they are just fine, is quite funny. It’s like saying I live in a box with hundreds of deadly cobras and I haven’t been bitten… yet!

Mar 2, 2012

Did Christopher Reeve Just Die Too Soon?

Keith Scott-Mumby

Everyone knows the tragic story of Christopher Reeve and his brave journey through quadriplegia, due to a neck injury while horse riding. He became a model hero; a true “super man”. The world knows too of his patient endurance with the stoic certainty that a cure for his condition would be found. He put his faith in stem cells. It still hasn’t happened. Reeve died in October 2004. The final answer could now have been found and could be far simpler than complex and dangerous stem cell therapy. It starts with our good friend, the laboratory rat. This may offend a few people, so if you are of sensitive disposition, please hit your BACK key! (it’s a joke: I expect you instead to honor the animals in this series of experiments and realize we may live far better, through their small tragedies). The fact is that rats have been used to pioneer a revolutionary nerve healing technique that could change everything about nerve trauma and may even, conceivably, lead to the repair of spinal cord injuries. That would be something!

Mar 2, 2012

Did Christopher Reeve Just Die Too Soon?

Keith Scott-Mumby

Everyone knows the tragic story of Christopher Reeve and his brave journey through quadriplegia, due to a neck injury while horse riding. He became a model hero; a true “super man”. The world knows too of his patient endurance with the stoic certainty that a cure for his condition would be found. He put his faith in stem cells. It still hasn’t happened. Reeve died in October 2004. The final answer could now have been found and could be far simpler than complex and dangerous stem cell therapy. It starts with our good friend, the laboratory rat. This may offend a few people, so if you are of sensitive disposition, please hit your BACK key! (it’s a joke: I expect you instead to honor the animals in this series of experiments and realize we may live far better, through their small tragedies). The fact is that rats have been used to pioneer a revolutionary nerve healing technique that could change everything about nerve trauma and may even, conceivably, lead to the repair of spinal cord injuries. That would be something!

Feb 6, 2012

Newborn Baby Drug Addicts

Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s a horrifying comment on our drug-sodden society that newborn babies are coming into the world addicted. In fact they get withdrawal symptoms, as soon as mother’s blood supply from the placenta is shut off. No, I’m not just talking irresponsible, criminal mothers, who take recreation drugs while pregnant (lots of that) but I’m also […]

Feb 6, 2012

Newborn Baby Drug Addicts

Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s a horrifying comment on our drug-sodden society that newborn babies are coming into the world addicted. In fact they get withdrawal symptoms, as soon as mother’s blood supply from the placenta is shut off. No, I’m not just talking irresponsible, criminal mothers, who take recreation drugs while pregnant (lots of that) but I’m also […] The post Newborn Baby Drug Addicts appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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