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The Photoshopping of Truth Continues

The Oxford Dictionary word of the year for 2016 was “post-truth”. We are living in a world in which truth no longer has an honored place.

We all know that politicians lie, for self-gain, power and re-election. Crooks lie, to evade capture and punishment. But most of the rest of society gets on with life, trying to be decent, worthy and honest.

That’s still true. But where the lies have sprung up big-time is from so-called science! It’s terrible. Hypocrisy! Science is no longer a function of intellect, where debate and the pursuit of knowledge is paramount. As I have said dozens of times in recent years, it’s just clever marketing, disguised as science.

Science—meaning the facts, numbers and best conclusions—is now totally manipulated by corporate concerns in the pursuit of profits. SCIENCE NO LONGER HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO THE TRUTH. It’s been coopted!

We have “fact checkers” to back up the lies and censorship of dissent to remove any threat to the Circus Of Untruth. It is very disheartening to anyone with a commitment to veracity.

Take the example of what happened to a paper from 2021, relating a massive increase in heart problems to the COVID vaccine. The paper was authored by Steven Gundry, a cardiac surgeon, and was originally titled “mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning.” It was published in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association.

An abstract posted on Instagram had a total of 600 likes in just 4 days. Shock, horror! People are being misinformed… but not by us! (Haha!)

Now I don’t even like Steven Gundry. I consider him a plagiarist. He and I were on the same speaker platform in Palm Springs years ago and I gave him a copy of my book DIET WISE, all about food allergy and intolerance. Next thing I know about him is he’s writing as Mr. Big in food allergies and intolerance (talking mostly about lectins). It seems Gundry is among those whose “research” is reading other people’s work!

But that’s not the point. Gundry’s wheelhouse is heart disease. I don’t agree with him when he says that sugar is not the problem (it is). He should leave nutrition to others. But he is a perfectly valid writer on the subject of heart conditions; in fact an expert in his own right. Unfortunately his paper went directly against the official narrative of the time. Worse: he made his point with facts and figures!

This resorting to science and facts clearly outraged the orthodox mob. They tore his comments apart. That same month the American Heart Association published an “expression of concern”, flagging “multiple issues” with Gundry’s conclusions.

“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination…”

 Steven Gundry MD

So the paper concerned was edited, to remove all the offending facts. This included a new title, a change to the findings featured in the Instagram post, numerous typographical fixes and changes to eight other sentences.

All of the language used in the post and its conclusion was removed. “The original abstract is no longer valid.” Dr. Mariell Jessup, the American Heart Association’s chief science and medical officer, said in an email to USA Today.

The changes were needed for a number of reasons, Jessup said. The abstract did not have any data about myocardial T-cell infiltration, which is a marker necessary for a myocarditis diagnosis. It also relied on anecdotal evidence without being clear about it, and it lacked statistical analyses for significance, which is the standard needed to prove cause and effect.

The revised title of the abstract, “Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines,” reflects the inability to make a cause-and-effect finding. That is also reflected in the new conclusion, which notes the increase of some inflammatory markers was “not statistically tested” and removed the language that explicitly said researchers concluded vaccines caused increased inflammation.

Dr. Christopher Kramer, chief of cardiovascular medicine at UVA Health, said the changes reflect the fact that “in the end, you could not conclude anything” from the research presented in the abstract. Gundry’s objections were reduced to a mere “claim”.

Phew, thank goodness for that! We can breathe easy again! The mistake was “corrected”.

And that’s it; that’s what they consider science today. Anything that doesn’t point in the direction you want, or contradicts one of your pet theories, is taken down by removing the offending words, doing typographical “fixes” and changing the conclusions, overriding the author, and generally being “truth-telling police”—but on their own terms. Often no reference whatever to the original author.

The abstract also had typographical errors, including using the wrong name for the assessment tool used by the researchers to assess acute coronary syndrome. So what? Just contact the author and suggest a correction. It’s wrong to just step in, subsume ownership, and re-write everything in your own (alien) terms!

The revised title of the abstract, “Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines,” reflects the inability to make a cause-and-effect finding. That is also reflected in the new conclusion, which notes the increase of some inflammatory markers was “not statistically tested” and removed the language that explicitly said researchers concluded vaccines caused increased inflammation.

Dr. Christopher Kramer, chief of cardiovascular medicine at UVA Health, said the changes reflect the fact that “in the end, you could not conclude anything” from the research presented in the abstract.

A purported link between COVID-19 vaccines and cardiac issues is a frequent topic of misinformation online, says USA Today. Like claims that the FAA changed guidelines to account for the possibility of sudden incapacitation of vaccinated pilots, that COVID-19 vaccines caused five more times myocarditis than the virus itself and that the FDA acknowledged a link between vaccines and heart attacks and sudden deaths.

Kramer said the only statistically significant correlation he is aware of connecting COVID-19 vaccines to heart issues is an increased risk of myocarditis in young men. He added that the risk is less than the risk of developing myocarditis after contracting COVID-19.

USA TODAY reached out to Grundy and the social media user who shared the post for comments and did not immediately receive responses.

Prof. (disgusted)


The current version of Gundry’s abstract, meaning fully corrected, is here:

The post The Photoshopping of Truth Continues appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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