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The “Other” Homeopathy Reviewed

A couple of weeks back my newsletter featured homeopathy. I want to follow that up with a look at a related specialty: homotoxicology, sometimes known as “complex homeopathy”, or even “German homeopathy” (which is a bit silly because the first description of homeopathy was by a German, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), so it’s all German).

I don’t know how the name came about but it is likely because vast numbers of German doctors and heilpraktikers (health practitioners) use that method.

Again, I know what I am talking about, because for years I was scientific advisor to the board of the British regulatory association: The Society for Homotoxicology and Anti-Homotoxic Therapy-GB.

The terms are slightly unfamiliar, even to most homeopaths, and therein lies the real difference between the two disciplines. Each is based on a very different model.

Both use herbs, biologicals and even inorganic materials, using the LAW OF SIMILARS and the dilution principle. But very little else is the same. Let me outline the key differences, then we’ll talk.

Names: homeopathy, literally same as disease. Homotoxicology: self-toxins or (better) tissue cleansing. As an amusing aside, one year we were banned from using a hotel for our annual get-together because, as the management explained: “We don’t want your sort here.” They jumped to the conclusion that homo means homosexual whereas, of course, it only means same as…)

Further differences are considerable. Remembering that even holistic homeopathy has it’s own ritual dogma, just like orthodoxy, which we sometimes call allopathic medicine (allo– different or other), no surprise then that the two disciplines are somewhat in conflict.

A classical homeopath would only choose ONE remedy (after careful consideration) and ONE dilution, or potency. Therein lies its main weakness. If you get it wrong, the patient is not helped until his or her next consultation.

A homotoxicologist, on the other hand, would likely give a mixture of remedies, aimed at the problem. In theory, the shotgun approach should hit something!

But also, a homotoxicologist might give a mixture of potencies: a blend called a homaccord. Again, the theory is that one of them is likely to hit the mark. So, for example, HEEL’s Nux vomica homaccord contains Nux vomica D2, Nux vomica D10, Nux vomica D15, Nux vomica D30, Nux vomica D200, Nux vomica D1000 (as well as certain other ingredients).

Nux vomica is the vomit nut, from the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. It’s great for hangovers, heartburn and belly aches, headache, grumpiness and even erectile dysfunction. From it’s Latin name, you may guess it contains deadly strychnine, but of course it’s diluted and poses no danger!


Going all the way then, homotoxicologists also use mixtures, or composites. Even more heretically (from the classic homeopath point of view) we try and treat conditions and diseases (tonsillitis, or diabetes, for example) or even organs (liver remedy, thyroid support, etc.)

Most of modern homotoxicology is down to one doctor: Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg (1905-1985). Knowing homeopathy and drawing on a vast knowledge of herbal lore and medicines, Reckeweg compounded a store of remedies which trod a line between folk medicine and basic plant pharmacology. In the course of time it has proved itself so well that tens of thousands of German doctors use it in daily practice, although less well known in the rest of the world.

Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg

The subject has gone on evolving since Reckweg’s death but the vast body of work he left us is enough for almost any practitioner!

Here’s an example of one of his very powerful mixtures: Tonsilla compositum. It contains 30 remedies in all, some herbal, some mineral, potentized vitamin C and powerful healing substances called nosodes, which are based on original disease processes but diluted many many times (quite safe).

In addition there is the “message” or “essence” of healthy key tissues, to help the body get its act together in harmony, as it should be (we call these remedies “sarcodes”, a term which should not be confused with the disease sarcoidosis).

Most sarcodes are from pig tissue and include: Lymph glands, tonsils, bone marrow, umbilical cord, embryo, spleen, liver, hypothalamus and adrenal glands. Don’t forget these are diluted or potentized, until only the signal or “signature” is left.

Hormones: thyroxine and natural cortisone.

Herbs: Pulsatilla (wind flower), Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock), Gallium aparine (goosegrass), Echinacea augustifolia (cone-flower), Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse chestnut), Dulcamara, Coccus cacti, Gentian and Geranium

Nosodes: Psorinum-nosode (Black Death), fever toxin.

Minerals: Calcium phosphate, kalium stibyltartaricum (antimony potassium tartrate), mercurius solubilis (mixture containing essentially mercuroamidonitrate), barium carbonicum (barium carbonate) and sulphur.

Potentized vitamin C.

And one final strange ingredient: Sarcolactic acid, which is good for fatigue, great weariness and weakness, meaning it tends to clear the lactic acid accumulation of heavy exercize and muscular prostration.

There is no need for you to understand any of these substances, or why they are included. I merely make the point that homotoxicology often uses multiple substances to tackle a problem, a formula if you like, something a classical homeopath would never do!

And to me, that’s bigotry and dogma. Having healed many many patients using Reckeweg’s mixtures, I know they work! Why create limitations and hold back?

I have nothing against Samuel Hahnemann’s original teachings. But he developed his theories and methods before the real causes of diseases were known or understood. In fact Hahnemann even wrote “we may never know the causes of the diseases we treat”, so a really witty smart a** (like me) might point out that he was closer to the allopathic model of treating results (symptoms), instead of eliminating causes!

No matter. Homeopathy and homotoxicology are gentle, healing and completely safe.

Ground Regulation Model

The matrix or, sometimes, Pischinger’s matrix, is a completely fresh look at biology and the origins of disease. Whereas almost all modern-day scientists are obsessed with cells and what goes on inside them, Dr. Alfred Pischinger, then professor of Histology and Embryology in Vienna, saw with great insight that the extracellular fluids were the key to health.

These fluids, which Pischinger called the “matrix”, or ground regulation system, because it supports everything else, brings nutrition, oxygen, hormone messengers and other vital substances to the tissues and remove excretion products, toxins and the residue of old diseases.

Cells may be important but not a separate entity, because they cannot exist without being nurtured in this matrix. Reckeweg pursued Pischinger’s matrix model and devized ways to use natural substances to support, clean and revitalize the extracellular matrix.

Here is a graphic by my son Oliver. I asked him to do it because almost everything about Pischinger’s matrix on the Web is in German!

From my book: Medicine Beyond

It shows the matrix being fed by blood from the heart and drained away by venous blood and lymphatic drainage (doctors tend to forget this aspect of tissue hygiene). The connective tissue cells are floating in the extracellular fluid. The whole is supplied by the nervous system, which helps regulate it. But many chemical messengers also control this matrix: hormones, of course. Also cytokines (literally means cell motivators).

It’s a whole dynamic SYSTEM, not just a collection of cells. Duh!

More another time (we will look at Reckeweg’s “6-Phase” model of disease and recovery. It’s brilliant!)

To your good health,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor

The post The “Other” Homeopathy Reviewed appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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