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The Four Magic Questions

This is me with my buddy Norman Shealy MD. I was hanging out at his farm in Missouri for a few days. It was good for a couple of old buzzards to chew the fat!

Prof. has the solution you need for healing! It's suggested you ask the four magic questions to the person/injury involved. Click here to learn more...

That’s an American Holistic Medical Association clasp. Norm founded the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine.

This is me with my buddy Norman Shealy MD. I was hanging out at his farm in Missouri for a few days. It was good for a couple of old buzzards to chew the fat!

I’m sure Norm won’t mind me mentioning he had some residual pain and malfunction in his foot, after a surgical procedure. I’m telling you that for a reason…

I did not bring a SCENAR/Avazzia-type microcurrent therapy device with me. Otherwise I’m sure we could have fixed it up very quickly. So I had to be inventive and decided to use some Supernoetics® magic. This is something we teach people in Punk Psychology®. You can all give it a shot. It’s easy. Different (oh yes!) and will amuse youngsters especially. But it works at any age.

Talk to the injured part! You can do it with a hand, finger, foot or even your liver. Just be sure to listen carefully if you do it with a major organ.

So I got Norman sitting comfortably in a lounge chair and had him say “Hello” to that foot. The part acknowledges the communication. Then we have the part say “Hello” back.

So for a few rounds I ran it, like this:

Say hello to that foot (wait until he nods). Have the foot acknowledge…

Now have the foot say hello to you (wait till he nods or confirms). Acknowledge that.

Now say hello to the foot… and so on, round and round.

After about 5 cycles the foot started to send tingling messages. That’s a step up from either pain or numbness.

So we switched to a conversation…

Is there anything the foot would like to say to you?

What is your reply to that?

Is there anything the foot would like to say to you? (different answer, of course)

What is your reply?

And that’s very easy: foot, reply, foot, reply, foot, reply… and so on. If it ever gets to the stage where the person has run out of answers, you can reverse it and start with the patient:

Is there anything you would like to say to your foot?

What is its reply?

And so on, over and over.

Giving Birth To Ideas

There are hints here of Socrates’ maieutic questioning method. The word maieutic comes from the Ancient Greek word for midwifery or giving birth. Socrates asked his questions over and over, each time gradually finding new answers, till the whole picture changed.

Prof. has the solution you need for healing! It's suggested you ask the four magic questions to the person/injury involved. Click here to learn more...

Socrates. Another tricky old buzzard!

In Norman’s case we didn’t have to go for long. I can’t say too much about another’s thoughts, it wouldn’t be proper, but I can share one more thing: it became quickly obvious that the foot felt that Norman was angry with it, for slow healing.

Norman’s first reaction was, “Of course I’m angry. I want the pain gone and get my balance and steadiness back!”

I told him that the foot was upset about this and the disagreement was impairing the relationship between the two of them! It was holding back recovery, rather than making the foot get busy and heal. There is a technical reason for this. Healing needs communication (blood, lymph, oxygen, white blood cells and messenger chemicals, etc.) If you shut off a part and effectively go out of communication with it, the healing process slows down.

This simple hack of talking to the part opens up all kinds of subtle communication energies, which will benefit recovery.

So I had Norman repair the upset. Even when he swore he wasn’t mad at the foot any more, I said to him, “You know that. But the foot needs to know it too!” and had him work on reassuring the foot he wasn’t really mad at it and he would try to be patient.

Norman is a lovely and wise intuitive man and I couldn’t have done this with a non-spiritual doctor dodo! By the way he announced the “noise” from his foot had vanished, within just 20 minutes or so. Next day it was a 1 out of 10, max.

You can adapt this hack to a whole variety of situations, from an accidental cut to a transplant organ; a fracture to a rash; a limb to an internal organ. Try it! Talking to your kidneys may do far more good than taking a diuretic.

There was one more step I left Norman with. I suggested he use it for a few days, last thing at night, lying in bed, and talking to his foot:

Did I do something wrong?

Did YOU do something wrong? (to the foot)

Did we do something that was unnecessary?

Did we fail to do something we should have done?

These questions are variations on a set of four questions from a guy called Charles Broaded and a now out of print book, titled The Magic Questions. It was published, I believe, by Jack Horner’s operation (latterly called Eductivism).

Broaded’s questions are as follows:

Did I do something wrong?

Did I fail to do something you thought I should have done?

Did you do something wrong?

Did you fail to do something you think you should have done?

You can fix up all kinds of testy and awkward situations with these four magic questions. The trick is, of course, that you MUST listen attentively to the answers. Despite calling them the magic questions, it is actually the answers that work the magic.

And remember the first replies you get are hardly ever important. You must be patient, probing and persistent.

People are like that all the time: you ask “How are you doing?” and the answer you get is “Fine, thanks.”

But probe a little by saying “Could anything have been better?” you learn things are not fine at all. He or she had a storming row at the office; the dog is off its food; and there is no money left at the end of the month!

One last share. If you are a practitioner of any sort, but especially if you help others with their thoughts and feelings, you can repair a lot of the past using a variation of this hack (I’m thinking of divorces, disasters, losses, bereavement, etc.) You have the client or patient talk to the other party, even if absent. Yes, even after bereavement you can have him or her talk to the dead person.

I don’t recommend you try to arrange a meeting, even if the person needing to be healed is still alive. After a messy divorce you could end up with a murder on your hands! Instead, have your client or case pretend the ex-spouse or partner is there; picture him or her sitting on the sofa. Then run the hack…

Is there anything Jim wants to say to you? Acknowledge that (so Jim knows he’s being listened to).

What is your reply? (have Jim acknowledge that)

It runs Jim, reply, Jim, reply, Jim, reply… till exhausted (could be hours!) Then switch to:

Is there anything YOU want to say to Jim?

What is his reply to that? And off it goes.

The conversation is as effective as if the pair were in the room together. And when I say “effective” I mean there is healing; sometimes tears, heartache, sighs, anger even, but finally calm, healing and LOVE. Do not stop if the person gets upset. Just keep the conversation going, at all costs. The conversation will clear the upset. Backing off brings no result.

As I said, it will all turn to calm and love in the end. It’s AMAZING that we always seem to know what the other person is thinking and feeling.

Now that’s magic!

Anyway, an unusual post, I think you’ll agree!

The post The Four Magic Questions appeared first on Alternative Doctor Dev Site.

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