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Cancer Is Not An Apricot Deficiency!

Diet Wise has always been my best-seller. If you haven’t got that, you are just not serious about safe, healthy eating (as opposed to fad programs).

But right up there close is my “Cancer Research Secrets”. It sells a lot because people are scared of cancer. This disease does have a dread reputation. You see movie stars wasting away in front of the paparazzi and you figure “Well, they have all the money. They can afford the best available treatment and it’s still killing them.”

What’s wrong with that line of logic is that movie stars might have the money and the most costly doctors. But that doesn’t mean they get the best treatment. Far from it. Jackie Onassis was literally KILLED by experimental unproven treatment from her oncologist.

The truth is that doctors cannot take over our own health. Even if doctors were terrific at what they profess to do, you’d still be crazy to hand over your own body to their care. It’s your life. You should captain the ship.

And when it comes to cancer control, you’d be mad to surrender to conventional care. It’s clear that the “cancer industry” is NOT about curing or even helping people. It’s about profits. They don’t want cures, as can be seen by the fury with which they attack doctors who promote safe and cheap alternatives to their cruel “death machine”.

The only way you are going to learn about the many safe and effective alternative remedies — cures that won’t bankrupt you — is to study them. I’ve written a book to help you understand this more and you should get a copy. One day it may save your life or the life of a loved one.

Don’t wait till someone close to you gets cancer. This is one situation where you need to be pro-active. Cancer can be prevented as well as treated successfully. You can only stay safe if you know what you are up against.

Remember, cancer is self-inflicted damage. It comes as a result of our unhealthy lifestyle. Native peoples do not get cancer. Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson lived for decades among the Inuit (Eskimos), eating a diet that Western doctors would describe as very, very dangerous (90% fat, meat and fish, zero carbs). Yet they never got cancer; not a single case, until they started on our Western diet.

No apricot kernels, incidentally!  99.9% of native peoples, who are cancer free, do NOT eat apricot kernels. Cancer is not a laetrile deficiency, whatever the tricksters try to tell you.

But it is arguably an oxygen deficiency, an anti-oxidant deficiency, electron deficiency, enzyme deficiency, love deficiency and vitamin C and D deficiency.

OK, I’ve gone a bit jokey and this is a serious topic. But there is a point to these last two paragraphs. You can find out more from the collected writings of an experienced holistic physician, with over 30 years experience. I am not an “information marketer”, I’m the real deal.

Get “Cancer Research Secrets” here:

(total guarantees apply)

cancer research secrets book


Read it and live long!

The post Cancer Is Not An Apricot Deficiency! appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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