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blood pressure machines fake high readings to sell medications

I received this email from a correspondent in Germany. It raises a provocative question and I think we should debate this. Please post a comment if you have any extra insight into this.

I have been a patient at a small cancer hospital in Germany for four of the last seven months. In Germany they have checked my BP practically every day and it is nearly always normal, with the diastolic pressure between 80-90 mmHg.

However, during this same seven month period, at times when I was not in Germany, and have had my BP checked by an American physician or dentist office they have nearly always found the diastolic pressure between 90-100, or some ten points higher than the Germans.

I have come to suspect that the US sphygmomanometers are intentionally mis-calibrated in order to sell blood pressure drugs. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Gary Clark

The post blood pressure machines fake high readings to sell medications appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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